* Required

MODS Score

0 points:ICU Mort 0%, Hosp Mort 0%, ICU Stay 2 Days
1-4 points:ICU Mort 1-2%, Hosp Mort 7%, ICU Stay 3 Days
5-8 points:ICU Mort 3-5%, Hosp Mort 16%, ICU Stay 6 Days
9-12 points:ICU Mort 25%, Hosp Mort 50%, ICU Stay 10 Days
13-16 points:ICU Mort 50%, Hosp Mort 70%, ICU Stay 17 Days
17-20 points:ICU Mort 75%, Hosp Mort 82%, ICU Stay 21 Days
21-24 points:ICU Mort 100%, Hospital Mortality 100%


  1. Serial evaluation of the MODS, SOFA and LOD scores to predict ICU mortality in mixed critically ill patients. Khwannimit B. J Med Assoc Thai. 2008 Sep; 91(9):1336-42.
  2. The Multiple Organ Dysfunction Score (MODS) versus the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score in outcome prediction. Peres Bota D, Melot C, Lopes Ferreira F, Nguyen Ba V, Vincent JL. Intensive Care Med. 2002 Nov; 28(11):1619-24.
  3. Marshall JC, Cook DJ, Christou NV, et. al. Multiple organ dysfunction score: a reliable descriptor of a complex clinical outcome. Crit Care Med. 1995 Oct;23(10):1638-52.

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