* Required

Predicted percent of patients to recover

0-2 points:7%
3-4 points:46-53%
5-7 points:87-91%


  1. Baird AE, Dambrosia J, Janket S, et al. A three-item scale for the early prediction of stroke recovery. Lancet. 2001; 357: 2095-9.
  2. A three-item scale for the early prediction of stroke recovery. Baird AE, Dambrosia J, Janket S, Eichbaum Q, Chaves C, Silver B, Barber PA, Parsons M, Darby D, Davis S, Caplan LR, Edelman RE, Warach S. Lancet. 2001 Jun 30;357(9274):2095-9.
  3. Derivation and validation of in-hospital mortality prediction models in ischaemic stroke patients using administrative data. Lee J, Morishima T, Kunisawa S, Sasaki N, Otsubo T, Ikai H, Imanaka Y.Cerebrovasc Dis. 2013; 35(1):73-80.

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