* Required

Approximate 90 Day Risk of Stroke

0 points:Virtually no Risk
1 point:3% Risk
2 points:7% Risk
3 points:11% Risk
4 points:15% Risk
5 points:34% Risk


  1. The high risk of stroke immediately after transient ischemic attack: a population-based study. Hill MD, Yiannakoulias N, Jeerakathil T, Tu JV, Svenson LW, Schopflocher DP. Neurology. 2004 Jun 8;62(11):2015-20.
  2. A comparison of risk factors for recurrent TIA and stroke in patients diagnosed with TIA. Johnston SC, Sidney S, Bernstein AL, Gress DR. Neurology. 2003 Jan 28; 60(2):280-5.

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