Criteria: |
Detail |
Age of the patient: | 55-65 |
Sex: | Male |
Weight (lbs): | 44 |
HEIGHT Feet: | 4 |
Inches: | 4 |
: |
Calculated BMI is 11.44 |
BMI(calculate using weight and height): | >40 |
Does this patient have diabetes?: | No |
Does this patient have congestive heart failure with ejection fraction =<40%: | Yes |
Does this patient have history of hypertension requiring medications?: | Yes |
Does this patient have history of myocardial infarction within 6 months before surgery?: | Yes |
Does this patient have history of coronary intervention or cardiac surgery?: | No |
Does this patient have history of angina 1 month before surgery?: | Yes |
Does this patient have history of transient ischemic event, CVA with or without neurological deficits?: | No |
Does this patient have history of severe dementia, delirium or impaired sensorium?: | Yes |
Does this patient have history of peptic ulcer disease?: | No |
Does this patient have history of COPD or frequent hospitalizations for COPD?: | Yes |
Does this patient have history of chronic liver disease or cirrhosis?: | Yes |
Does this patient have history of peripheral vascular disease requiring amputation or intervention?: | No |
Does this patient have history of solid or hematological cancers?: | No |
Does this patient have history of cellulitis or frequent skin ulcers?: | No |
Does this patient have history of post-operative complications from previous orthopedic surgeries?: | Yes |
Does this patient have partial or total dependence prior to surgery requiring aids for gait improvement?: | Yes |
Does this patient have community support (Home health, Family care taker) after discharge?: | No |
What is the last known patient`s hemoglobin (mg/dL)?: | <9 |
What is the last known patient creatinine?: | <1.8 |
Is this patient on anticoagulation with Coumadin/ NOACs (Novel oral anticoagulants)?: | No |
Is this patient receiving chronic opioids for any condition?: | Yes |
result 11.44 52.00 0.58 |